Feb 7, 2010

My freak accident (what really happened) PART I

(As you all know or maybe not yet, I'm already in a wheelchair before this accident happened, since I was 8.)

MY dad was going to treat the whole family to lunch at the mall and we were all just excited and thrilled - a pre-gathering before our family road trip up north a week after my accident.

We parked just a few meters across the entrance of the mall. MY dad was the one with me when it happened. The irony of it was that the accident happened at a ramp for disabled people and I’m disabled!

We were about to go up the ramp (only a foot high) and my dad gathered his strength to push me up the ramp but failed to notice the damaged part of the ramp, a crater just before the climb (obviously, negligence on the part of the mall building administrators and engineers). The smaller front wheels of my chair got caught in the crack and the impact threw me off my chair and into the ground! It happened very fast and so unexpected.

I could’ve survived that fall, in fact I’ve no bruises or any other injury except the fracture, BUT my legs got entangled. My right foot (the most paralyzed limb in my body) got caught under my left leg and the ankle bended the wrong direction, the pain just had me scream my lungs out!

The guards (2 of them) and my dad panicked and picked me up instantly (Guys, don’t ever do this if you ever see an accident. Let the victim lie on the ground unless the patient would be in greater danger there until medical personnel arrive – maybe try calming down the patient, asking what hurts so you’ll know where to not touch). I couldn’t mouth the words “Don’t touch me!” because a scream was all I could manage from all that pain. They failed to get me on the chair the first time, so they tried again and each time, I squealed like a pig when they moved me, each time I clutched my right leg to protect it from further damage.

(The story doesn’t end here but this is all I can manage for now. I can’t stay long on the computer yet, I have to move and elevate my leg to keep blood circulation – doctor’s advice. Thank you for reading and continue to pray for me.)

To be continued…


Anonymous said...

Ouch Theresa ... I can imagine the pain .... you are so correct in NOT moving an injured person...I am so thankful you were not hurt more serioius. God is good!
Praying for a quick healing

Thess said...

Thanks Rhonda, me too. thank you.

Yet =) said...

get well soon Ate..hope u'll gonna be alright..in Jesus' name..