Feb 16, 2010

My freak accident (life at home with a cast) PART III

Continuing where I left off…

My last post had me ending this series talking about a road trip with the family and I’m back from that trip and looking forward to a long hopeful four more weeks of cast at home.

The first few days with the wrapped leg at home were truly arduous. It was difficult enough not being able to walk and move freely like normal people before the accident and now, I have to drag a fiberglass cast that’s about twice heavier than my own leg. Add to that, the fractured bone and the daily swelling episodes when evening comes.

For the last many years now, I’ve become independent in the house; do whatever I want alone and whenever I want. The rest of the family can go on with their businesses without having to worry about me. In my house, I’m like a walking person. The only thing I can’t do there is climb stairs (I live in a three-story building and hibernates on the second floor)

Now, with a cast, I need assistance when moving or transferring from my chair to the bed or any other parts of the house. I can move and transfer myself but someone has to assist and move my cast leg. During showers, I have to elevate my right foot and keep water from getting in the cast. Everything I do takes twice the effort and time now but by God’s grace (and being honest), I haven’t broken down yet.

It’s going to be a few weeks more of this but I know soon I’d be free from this heavy burden. This morning, I was able to get from the bed to my chair alone and later in the day, will try from the chair to the bed. So I’m not just coping with the cast but also making progress with the cast.

From this experience I realize being in a wheelchair without a cast is so much better than being in a wheelchair with one, made me appreciate my life before the accident more though there wasn’t much of it even then.


Kevin said...

Hang in there. If ever you have time try to read THE GIFT OF PAIN. I had a new appreciate for physical pain after reading it.

MsRay said...

Keep up the positive spirit, Thess!

Thess said...

Thanks guys :)